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Beating Burnout: 5 Tips to Battle Workplace Stress

beating burnout

We all know the drill—busy periods at work can feel like you're navigating a storm without a compass. The constant hustle, looming deadlines, and never-ending to-do lists can leave us feeling like we're on the brink of burnout.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has listed burnout as a ‘workplace phenomenon’,which results in chronic workplace stress that can manifest as feelings of depletion or exhaustion, increased feelings of negativity or detachment from your job and its responsibilities, and less productive employees.

According to a recent study, 46 per cent of UK workers have experienced extreme levels of stress at work, and only 23 per cent of those surveyed said their employer had a plan in place to prevent burnout in the workplace.

Just like any health issue, whether physical or mental, it's always wiser to prevent than to cure. When it comes to beating burnout, the key is to keep it at arm's length. Though it might sound simple in theory, the reality can be challenging.

Heading into the big push before the festive break can feel especially overwhelming but we have some simple stress hacks that will help you not just survive, but thrive, during the busy spells.

  1. Breathe: When stress starts knocking on your door, take a moment to inhale positivity and exhale the chaos. Close your eyes, count to five as you breathe in, hold for five, then release for another five.. Do this a few times a day, and you'll be amazed at how it resets your stress-o-meter while also stabilising heart rate and blood pressure.

  2. Master Mini Breaks: Taking short breaks can be a game-changer. Set a timer for 5 minutes, stand up, stretch, grab a snack, or just gaze out the window for a moment of AWE. These mini-breaks refresh your mind and prevent burnout from creeping in. It's like hitting the reset button on your productivity levels.

  3. Prioritize Like a Pro: When the workload mountain seems insurmountable, it's time to channel your inner prioritization ninja. Break down your tasks into must-dos, should-dos, and can-wait-for-later-dos. Tackle the must-dos first. This not only helps you stay focused but also gives you a sense of accomplishment as you conquer each task. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

  4. Focused Listening: Reducing external noise and focusing on lisetening practices such as guided meditation can have a great effect on stress levels. Find an app or podcast that has a style and tone that keeps you relxed and try build this into your daily routine.

  5. Move: Incorporating a few extra steps, exercise or movement into your day can work wonders in dialing down stress and priming you for the workday ahead. This can range from simply taking a part of your morning communte on foot, scheduling regular lunchtime gym sessions. Did you know that in the UK physically active workers take 27% fewer sick days or that the cost of physical inactivity in England alone has been estimated at £8.2bn a year? Studies also reveal that spending more time in nature acts as a natural antidote for mental health challenges, including anxiety. Moreover, delving into ecotherapy, a therapeutic approach involving outdoor activities, has demonstrated efficacy in treating depression.

Remember, you're not alone in the burnout battle. Take a breath, move, press play on your favourite pod, embrace the mini breaks, and prioritize like a pro. You've got this!

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